Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Second Time Around

My garden angel ... Good morning ladies! It's Allison here .. for the second time this morning. I had all of these new pictures uploaded and the most eloquent text until, you guessed it, my silly computer talked back to me! Imagine my frustration! So, one more try for good measure as my mother use to say to all of us! The angel is a gift from one of my favorite aunts in Mississippi -- Aunt Ronda .. and she says "fill your garden with (oops I can't read it, be right back) "fill your garden with the beauty of flowers and the songs of birds" .. the angel is on this really cool potting bench (I am holding that photo back) that my husband bought for me out on route 68. Below is another corner of my potting bench with the succulents Kathy, Katie and I picked up on one of our trips to a little market in Springfield. They are so cute!!!

And speaking of song birds ... I finally spotted the little woodland creature that has been hammering away in our backyard all summer. I ventured out to water my poor dehydrated flowers since our little town seems to not be in the path of any rain this month and heard Woody pounding away. It was quite easy to spot him, as my darling husband had our maple trees butchered (let's not go there this morning either).
He has a friend that came out to play with him too, but he was moving way to fast for me to snap a picture, especially before 7am!
And here is the final picture this morning .. a look at one of our once well manicured flowerbeds. What I want you to really notice is the pink and green plant on either side of the white butterfly bush. It is called a mole bean plant or castor bean. Highly poisonous they say, however I have no intentions of boiling up and chowing down on the beans it is producing. The tale goes that farmers and gardeners use to grow these plants and pop a few beans in the mole holes to take care of the pesty little things. I just think they are lovely with beautiful fall color!
Well ladies, that is it for me this morning! I hope you all have a fabulous day and we'll talk soon!


Vickie Allen said...

What a great post Allison! I love your gardens and envy your green thumb. I, on the other hand, have been known to kill silk plants!

See ya this weekend I hope!

Stephanie Christian said...

Your gardens are so beautiful. I'd love to be able to keep one alive. My husband has the green thumb in our family.